Wednesday, July 11, 2012

They may not listen but they must be given the Word of God.

Every person alive in the world will see their souls and know, for the first time in many cases, that they have one.

Monday, July 9th, 2012 @ 11:00 pm
My dearly beloved daughter I wish to prepare all of My followers now in a way which will not only help them but all their loves one for The Warning.
It is not enough to repent because of fear. A penance is required.
For all of you My followers hear My instructions now to prepare your souls for The Warning.
You must begin by meditating on all the wrong-doing you are guilty of against yourselves and your neighbours.
For Catholics among you, you must receive the Sacrament of Confession every two weeks if you wish to remain in a state of Grace.
In this way your pain, during The Warning, will be mild and you will have the strength to help your brothers and sisters who will suffer a terrible pain and guilt as they try to come to terms with the illumination of their conscience.
For those among you, who are Christians or other creeds, and who believe in these messages, you must recite the prayer given to you through Crusade Prayer (24) Plenary Indulgence for Absolution
You must say this prayer for seven consecutive days and I, your Jesus, will grant you pardon.
O My Jesus you are the light of the earth
You are the flame that touches all souls
Your mercy and love knows no bounds
We are not worthy of the sacrifice you made by your death on the cross
Yet we know that your love for us is greater than the love we hold for you
Grant us O Lord the gift of humility so that we are deserving of your New Kingdom
Fill us with the Holy Spirit so we can march forth and lead your army
to proclaim the truth of your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters
For the Glory of Your Second Coming on earth
We honour You
We Praise You
We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to you to save souls
We love you Jesus
Have Mercy on all your children wherever they may be.

I now bequeath a special prayer also for you to say for those poor souls who may die of shock during The Warning and who may be in mortal sin.
Crusade Prayer (65) For those in mortal sin
Oh Dear Jesus, Saviour of mankind
Through Your Divine Mercy I plead for clemency for all those
poor souls in sin who may be taken from this earth during The Warning
Forgive them their sins and in memory of your Passion I beg you to grant
Me this special favour in atonement for their sins
I offer myself to you in mind, body and soul as a penance to salvage
their souls, and to bring them eternal life.

My followers The Warning will be a great event of Salvation where I will prove to the world My Divine Mercy.
Every person alive in the world will see their souls and know, for the first time in many cases, that they have one.
The time is short now and you must start preparing.
Do not forget My instructions to have food which lasts ten days, candles which are blessed and holy objects in your home.
Trust in Me and rejoice because many souls will be saved.
I will not reveal a date but you know what must be done.
When your sins are revealed you must ask Me to forgive you and bow in humble thanksgiving for this Divine Gift which is your passport to eternal life in the New Paradise on earth.
Remember there is not one sin, no matter how serious, which cannot be forgiven once true remorse is shown.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

Your Jesus

They may not listen but they must be given the Word of God.

Saturday, July 7th, 2012 @ 03:30 pm   
My dearly beloved daughter when I ask humanity to listen to My Voice it wounds Me when those who love Me say I would never speak in this way.
If only they would listen, then My Heart would be lifted and so many more souls would be saved.
The preparation for My Second Coming is being imparted by My Divine Lips through these messages.

The preparation for My birth was also made known through the prophets beforehand to alert God’s children to the coming of the Messiah.

Why do My disciples on earth refuse to accept that My Father would send His prophets to herald My Second Coming?
How little they really know about the way in which My Eternal Father prepares humanity for great events.
My clergy, My sacred servants, need to hear My call now for I need their help. Yet many will fail to respond. They will reject Me, through My messages.
They will realise the Truth but only when it is too late.
My daughter never be afraid to publish My messages, including those you find strange or frightening.
They may not listen but they must be given the Word of God.
It is not for man to dictate that you stop imparting the Holy Word of God.
Close your ears and ignore the scorn of opinion for it is not important.
To those of you who call yourselves Christians and who pour scorn on My message I say this.
By tearing My word asunder, by finding My messages offensive and by ridiculing My Word you have cut the cord which binds you to My heart.
You cannot accept My messages because you think you know Me and recognise My words when they are spoken. Instead, you have fallen prey to the deceiver who blinds you to the Truth.
I call on all of you, once again, to call on Me, your beloved Jesus, and allow Me to open your hearts.
Let Me fill you with the power of the Holy Spirit so that you will recognise Me.
To priests, I urge that you understand that the time has come for the prophecies of Daniel to unfold and for the Seals in the Book of Revelation to be opened by Me, the Lamb of God.
Remind yourselves of My Promise.
I will come again to judge the living and the dead.
My Promise to bring eternal life to all those loyal to Me is about to unfold.
You must ensure that you have prepared adequately for this Glorious Event.
Your Jesus

Be warned. The New World Religion will seem, on the outside a good and holy organisation full of love and compassion.

Sunday, July 8th, 2012 @ 05:17 pm   
My dearly beloved daughter the great apostasy I spoke of is now gathering pace in the world.
This time it spreads like a veil over My Holy Church on earth and clouds its vision like a deep fog.
This is the time for the great separation of My Church into two camps.
On the one side you will have My beloved loyal sacred servants who follow My teachings and who never deviate from them.
On the other side there are those priests and other leaders in My Christian Churches who are influenced by modern life and who will desecrate My Laws.
They bow to the pressures from people who demand that they show tolerance in the name of God by changing God’s Laws to suit human demands.
They are full of pride, arrogance and worldly ambitions. Not to them will it matter if they change the Holy Sacraments to suit a sinful agenda.
No they will facilitate acts of abomination to be committed in My Father’s Churches and all in the name of civil rights and tolerance.
They will condone sin and will insult Me by parading such sins in front of My Sacred Tabernacles expecting Me to swallow such vile acts.

Soon they will abolish the Sacraments to suit all

In their place there will be held celebration parties and other forms of entertainment.
This will become a New World church which will boast an impressive building in Rome but which will not honour God.
It will be built with secret satanic symbols for all to see and it will idolise the beast.
Every sin, abhorrent to My beloved Father will be publicly honoured and millions of people will accept their laws of depravity as being worthy in the Eyes of God.
My sacred servants who remain loyal to me will have to hold secret Masses or face imprisonment.
They will gather in force and, filled with the Holy Spirit, they will continue to feed God’s children with the Food of Life.
They must ensure that all those they lead are offered the protection of the Seal of the Living God.
The time is very close now for the New Temple, to be built in honour of the Beast.
This will be built under the dictatorship of the antichrist who will enter the world stage shortly as the man of peace.
Gather together all My followers as soon as you can. My priests who recognise My Voice, you must begin your preparations to ensure that My Church on Earth can endure, with strength, the forthcoming persecution.
In time the refuges will be ready for you to use for I have been instructing My followers for some time to ensure that they will serve your purpose.
This persecution will be short and you will get through it, painful though it will be.
Be warned. The New World Religion will seem, on the outside a good and holy organisation full of love and compassion.
It will exude a magnificent image of tolerance and will extol every sin known to God. It will twist each sin so that it appears to become acceptable in the Eyes of God.
But you must know that such abomination sickens Me and woe to those who follow this dangerous path to eternal damnation.
Sin will always be sin in My Eyes.
Time does not change this. New rules, to suit man’s craving for sinful pursuits, will never be accepted by Me.
Prepare now for this great deception for it will take place very soon.
Your Jesus.

The worst suffering of all is the spiritual emptiness where you cannot feel one ounce of love for Me, your Jesus

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012 @ 08:00 pm
 My dearly beloved daughter when I send you trials such as spiritual dryness you must learn to recognise them as such.
You must also accept that when you endure such dryness of soul that it is for a reason. The reason is to save souls through such suffering.
Many victim souls believe suffering is one of two things.
Firstly there is the external persecution which you will suffer because of your work.
Then there is the physical suffering, offered freely to Me, as a gift, to save the souls of millions.
Then the worst suffering of all is the spiritual emptiness where you cannot feel one ounce of love for Me, your Jesus, where no amount of praying releases you from the prison of desolation.
Try as you will, prayer will become torturous.
Try as you will to feel love and compassion for Me and you will struggle.

This is a form of spiritual abandonment where I seem to be so far away that you can no longer reach out to Me.

What you do not know is this.
This is a Gift, a grace from Me. It raises you up in My Eyes and the trials and sufferings you endure is allowed by Me because of your generous and pure love to save blackened souls.
It may seem unfair but the closer you come to My Sacred Heart, the more you suffer My own persecution because of the sins of mankind.
Only those with pure humble hearts, with no personal regard for themselves, when they place Me before all that is of this earth, can endure My pain.
Such souls are chosen carefully by Me and will work with Me, through their gift of suffering, to help Me in My Plan of Salvation.
Never fear My daughter that I am not there. You may not feel My presence, see Me or feel a deep love for Me as you would normally do but I am by your side.
Always trust in Me, My beloved followers, even when you find it hard to pray.
Trust in Me when you feel a longing for Me, which cannot be satisfied or quenched, no matter how hard you try to communicate with Me.
Know when this happens that I am much closer than you realise.
Know that it is at these times that I elevate you to become a true soldier, a true fighter in My battle to save souls.
I love you. Never give up. Never feel disillusioned for I walk with you always.
The day will come when the suffering will be forgotten. In its place will be a joy which will surge through the world and which will only be possible because of your sacrifices for all of God’s children who need your help.
Your Jesus

God the Father: I reveal My future plans for the New Heavens and the New Earth.

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012 @ 08:00 pm
 My dearest daughter today I reveal to all My Children My future plans for the New Heavens and the New Earth
When they merge into one glorious Paradise there will be twelve nations.
These nations will consist of some nations in the world who have shown allegiance to Me, God the Father, My Son Jesus Christ and the Mother God, Queen of Heaven.
Those scattered will be brought together to join those other nations as one, united as one Holy Family.
My Will, will be honoured. You will all have the gift of free will but it will be entwined with Mine. Only then will the truth of Paradise be truly revealed.
My Twelve nations are signified in the twelve stars on the woman in the Book of Revelation.
The woman is the Mother of God and she wears the twelve stars to signify two things.
The twelve apostles helped My Son to set up His Church on Earth.
The twelve specially chosen nations will form the one true apostolic Church on the New Earth when Heaven and Earth merge as one in My New Glorious Paradise.
This is the moment I have been waiting patiently for.
My Divine Will, which created Paradise for Adam and Eve and which was thrown aside caused by temptation by the evil one, will now be done and the this time Paradise will be perfect.
My Son,  King of Mankind, King of the Universe, will reign over My New Paradise on Earth.
He will appoint leaders in every nation all joined together by My Divine Will.
The people of those nations will honour My Son in the way in which He must be, the only way, in peace and love for one another.
His Blessed Mother, the Mother of Salvation, was crowned Queen of Heaven and will also reign as Queen of the New Paradise.
Her Coronation in Heaven was a very special Divine Manifestation of her role in the future of the salvation of the world.
She was crowned in great honour and splendour for the role she played, not only as the Mother of God and as spouse of the Holy Spirit, but as the Mother of Salvation given the power to destroy Satan.
It was My Beloved Son who lovingly placed the crown of  twelve stars on the head of the Mother of God at her Coronation.
It will be My Son who will place the crown on her head in the New Paradise as Queen of all God’s children.
My Divine Plan to save humanity has already begun.
It is My desire that this Mission will help Me gather lost souls in every corner of the earth and save them from the enemy before it is too late.
My Divine intervention will prove My love for all of My children.
Nothing is impossible. Nothing is hopeless in My battle against Satan’s army.
I will bring you a new world that will astound you in all its magnificent glory.  It is ready.
Its beauty and splendour is beyond your human capacity to envisage.
When you do witness it, you will have eternal life.
Pray that those poor children of mine who do not believe in Me, God the Most High, who do not obey My Laws and who commit terrible atrocities against each other, repent.
I do not want to lose one child of Mine.
Help Me to bring them this wonderful glorious inheritance. Unfortunately it must be by their own free will.
I love you children with a passion unknown to humanity.
Come to Me through My Son as one.
The time for the New Paradise on earth  is very near but you  have been accorded the time  to help convert humanity through this Mission of the 7th Angel on earth who works with My Son to bring My family to Me.
Your Loving Father
Creator of all things visible and invisible
God the Most High

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012 @ 08:00 pm
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
My dearly beloved daughter the New Paradise has now been completed in its full glory ready for all of God’s children on earth.
It will be presented, in all its glory, just like the Paradise created by My Eternal Father for His children in the beginning.
How the angels sing and rejoice for the time to unveil this great splendour to a disbelieving world is very close.
It will be presented by Me when the New Jerusalem descends upon the earth at the ringing of My Second Coming.
You, My daughter, will be told to announce this just before I make myself known.
Only those who accept Me as the Messiah will be able to enter its magnificent gates.
Every call from Heaven will be made to reach out to all those who will still reject My great gift right up to the very last trumpet.
Then it will be too late for those poor souls. They will be beyond help after that as My Mercy will have been thrown back in My Face in outright rejection.
All that matters now is to warn all those who are in danger of losing their souls to Satan.
Gather them up My followers. Coax them gently into My flock. Never give up your prayers to salvage them.
Oh My beloved followers if you could see the New Paradise when Heaven and Earth will merge as one you would drop down on your knees and weep with joy and relief.
For those of you frightened about the end times, when the earth as you know it will change, then you must allow Me to ease your worries.
You will take your family with you and all with rejoice in pure utter love and harmony.
You will be made of a pure body, incorruptible, free from disease, physical death and ageing.
You all will have your own dwelling with grass, trees, mountains, rivers, streams and flowers surrounding you in all their glorious beauty.
Animals will be tame and live in peace and in harmony with all of God’s children.
You see your children marry, have children  and the miracle of families, risen from the dead, will be witnessed by all.
This resurrection will be like no other joy imaginable.
You will be reunited with your loves ones who passed away in this life and went to Heaven.
You will have nations, twelve in total, all signified by the twelve stars in the crown on my My Mother’s Immaculate head, all of which will be governed by Me with My Apostles and Prophets.
This is My Kingdom, promised by My Father since He created Paradise on Earth. Anyone who rejects it will perish.
Pray that all of God’s children will have the purity of soul to enable them to come home to My Father’s Kingdom on Earth, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end, for ever and ever.
Your Jesus

Every now and then, Crusade of Prayer is given by Our Lord, for us to pray for a particular intention .

Crusade Prayer
My beloved daughter please ask My children to recite these prayers from now until The Warning. My followers are requested to recite these prayers which I will give you every day to save souls.                                                                               
(33) to acknowledge My Seal and accept it with love, joy andgratitude.
O My God, My Loving Father,I accept with love and gratitude,Your Divine Seal of Protection. Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity. I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty To You my Beloved Father. I beg you to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal And I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever. I love You Dear Father. I console You in these times Dear Father. I offer you the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son In atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children. Amen.
(24) Plenary Indulgence for Absolution
O My Jesus you are the light of the earth. You are the flame that touches all souls. Your mercy and love knows no bounds. We are not worthy of the sacrifice you made by your death on the cross. Yet we know that your love for us is greater than the love we hold for you. Grant us O Lord the gift of humility so that we are deserving of your New Kingdom. Fill us with the Holy Spirit so we can march forth and lead your armyto proclaim the truth of your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters, For the Glory of Your Second Coming on earth. We honourYou. We Praise You. We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to you to save souls. We love you Jesus. Have Mercy on all your children wherever they may be. AMEN
 (59) A Pledge of Allegiance to the Divine Will
O God the Most High, O Heavenly Father, I pledge to You my firm allegiance to honourand obey You in all things united to Your Divine Will on earth. I, through the Sacred Blood of Your only beloved Son, the True Messiah, offer You my mind, my body and my soul on behalf of all souls sothat we can unite as one in Your Heavenly Kingdom to come sothat Your Divine Will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.Amen.
(43) “Save Souls during The Warning”
O God the Almighty Father, On behalf of your beloved Son Jesus Christand in commemoration of His death on the cross to save us from our sins. I beg you to save souls who cannot save themselvesand who may die in mortal sin during The Warning, In atonement for the sufferingsof your beloved Son I urge you to forgive those who are unableto seek redemption because they will not live long enough to askJesus Your Son for Mercy to free them from sin.Amen.
(8) The Confession-This prayer should be said to plead for clemency for the forgiveness of sin during and after The Warning.
“Dearest Jesus I ask your pardon for all my sins and for the hurt and injury I have caused toothers..I humbly pray for the graces to avoid offending you again and to offer penance according to yourmost holy will..I plead for the forgiveness of any future offense which I may partake in and which will cause you. pain and suffering.Take me with you into the new era of Peace so that I may become part of your family for eternity.I love you Jesus.I need you.I honour you and everything you stand for.Help me Jesus so that I may be worthy to enter your Kingdom.”Amen


I would rather believe on these messages to be true and find out later that they are not true rather than believing now that they are false and find out later that they are all true .After all ,what do have to lose if I prayed the Rosary and Divine Mercy ,if I spend 3-4 hours every week for adoration ,if I went to mass everyday to receive Jesus .If I formed a family prayer group ,all for Jesus and Mary . What do I really have to lose .? Please everyone pray hard and allow the Lord to speak to your hearts through these message .Do not allow Satan to put doubts into your minds ,there is nothing in these messages that contradicts the teachings of the church .Satan will never promote to attend the Mass and pray the Rosary and the Divine Chaplet of  the Divine Mercy. Lets all work together to help the Lord and our Mother in their crucial mission to save the greater humanity . Peace to all .

Others, thinking selfishly of saving themselves, ignoring what happens to the
neighbor who lives without knowing anything about The Truth.
And justice is for both groups:
For those who did not want to know The Truth and for those who did nothing to share their faith, for not being bearers of hope for the rest!


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My Church must trust Me. They must remove their shackles of fear and doubt and allow Me make myself known

Thursday 28 June 2012 3pm
My dearly beloved daughter it must be known that those who profess to come in My Name, as prophets, but who do not speak in the tongues from Heaven, are increasing in numbers.
So many of these souls are being infected by fallen angels and speak in carefully constructed, but loving tones, reminiscent of what you would expect to be My Sacred Voice.
Oh how My poor devoted followers are being deceived now and how confused they will be. Who to trust? Who to follow? Who to believe?
Did I not say that many will come in My Name but few with speak with My Voice?
There are fewer than twenty who have permission to impart to the world the Word of God and this includes those who are given divine messages from Heaven by My beloved Mother.
Many other seers are also present in the world but their mission is different.

Their role can be one of daily prayer to help save humanity or one of personal suffering, offered up as a gift to Me, to save souls from Satan. Suffering in this way, willingly, crushes the power of Satan over many men’s souls.
My prophets are few and you will know them by My true Voice which will strike the hearts and souls of God’s children in a way which is impossible to ignore.
My messages to the world for these times will be detailed and will unveil truths not revealed before.
Much of what I give you now is simply to remind you of My Teachings.
Much of what I present to you now is the food of life, given to you through My Crusade Prayers, to help save your souls and those of others at My Second Coming.
Many other messages given to others will be similar but will not go into as much detail.
Their missions are just as important as they will convert souls.
Always remember this. I am trying to show you how much I love you and wish to reveal the Truth of My existence.
The proof of this will at last be revealed to all of God’s children soon.
Please do not fight amongst each other trying to outdo each other in terms of your spiritual knowledge.
The Truth is this.
No man knows the Truth contained in the Seal hidden in the Book of Revelation.
As I have told you before, they were sealed up, in the Book of Truth, until now, the end times.
I, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, now open these to prepare you for My New Kingdom.
You have been given the Holy Scripture to prepare you and now you must allow Me, the King of all Mankind, to tell you the Truth of what is to come.
By doing this I will be able to lead you through what will be a minefield of deceit, persecution and hatred.
Allow Me, all of you, including all members of My Church on Earth, to bring you over these last hurdles to Eternal Life.
My Church must trust Me. They must remove their shackles of fear and doubt and allow Me make myself known through these messages.
Recognise My Love in its pure and simple form.
My Love is not sophisticated and shrouded in mystical syllables.
It is plain for you to see but full of such compassion that it will cut through you like a flame of recognition when you drop your armour of pride and fear.
When you do this it will become easier for you to follow me, Your Jesus.
I came as Saviour the first time.
I come, once again, as Saviour this last time. Only this time My task is even heavier.
The Love of God has died in the world. It is only a flicker.
Were My Second Coming to take place now few would enter Paradise.
The Warning, My Gift of My Divine Mercy will help convert most of humanity.
Help Me prepare My flock. I need My Church on earth, both clergy and laity, to help Me save all of God’s children.
Please accept My Hand as I reach out and stretch My Call to all nations.
Come with Me, your beloved Jesus.
Follow Me this time.
Do not reject me like the Pharisees did.

This time you should recognise My Voice.

You should know how I speak by now for you have been given the Holy Scriptures.
Your Jesus

God the Father: I reveal My future plans for the New Heavens and the New Earth.

My dearest daughter today I reveal to all My Children My future plans for the New Heavens and the New Earth
When they merge into one glorious Paradise there will be twelve nations.
These nations will consist of some nations in the world who have shown allegiance to Me, God the Father, My Son Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, Queen of Heaven.
Those scattered will be brought together to join those other nations as one, united as one Holy Family.
My Will, will be honoured. You will all have the gift of free will but it will be entwined with Mine. Only then will the truth of Paradise be truly revealed.
My Twelve nations are signified in the twelve stars on the woman in the Book of Revelation.
The woman is the Mother of God and she wears the twelve stars to signify two things.
The twelve apostles helped My Son to set up His Church on Earth.
The twelve specially chosen nations will form the one true apostolic Church on the New Earth when Heaven and Earth merge as one in My New Glorious Paradise.
This is the moment I have been waiting patiently for.
My Divine Will, which created Paradise for Adam and Eve and which was thrown aside caused by temptation by the evil one, will now be done and the this time Paradise will be perfect.
My Son,  King of Mankind, King of the Universe, will reign over My New Paradise on Earth.
He will appoint leaders in every nation all joined together by My Divine Will.
The people of those nations will honour My Son in the way in which He must be, the only way, in peace and love for one another.
His Blessed Mother, the Mother of Salvation, was crowned Queen of Heaven and will also reign as Queen of the New Paradise.
Her Coronation in Heaven was a very special Divine Manifestation of her role in the future of the salvation of the world.
She was crowned in great honour and splendour for the role she played, not only as the Mother of God and as spouse of the Holy Spirit, but as the Mother of Salvation given the power to destroy Satan.
It was My Beloved Son who lovingly placed the crown of  twelve stars on the head of the Mother of God at her Coronation.
It will be My Son who will place the crown on her head in the New Paradise as Queen of all God’s children.
My Divine Plan to save humanity has already begun.
It is My desire that this Mission will help Me gather lost souls in every corner of the earth and save them from the enemy before it is too late.
My Divine intervention will prove My love for all of My children.
Nothing is impossible. Nothing is hopeless in My battle against Satan’s army.
I will bring you a new world that will astound you in all its magnificent glory.  It is ready.
Its beauty and splendour is beyond your human capacity to envisage.
When you do witness it, you will have eternal life.
Pray that those poor children of mine who do not believe in Me, God the Most High, who do not obey My Laws and who commit terrible atrocities against each other, repent.
I do not want to lose one child of Mine.
Help Me to bring them this wonderful glorious inheritance. Unfortunately it must be by their own free will.
I love you children with a passion unknown to humanity.
Come to Me through My Son as one.
The time for the New Paradise on earth  is very near but you  have been accorded the time  to help convert humanity through this Mission of the 7th Angel on earth who works with My Son to bring My family to Me.
Your Loving Father
Creator of all things visible and invisible
God the Most High

New Paradise: You will be made of a pure body, incorruptible, free from disease, physical death and ageing.

My dearly beloved daughter the New Paradise has now been completed in its full glory ready for all of God’s children on earth.
It will be presented, in all its glory, just like the Paradise created by My Eternal Father for His children in the beginning.
How the angels sing and rejoice for the time to unveil this great splendour to a disbelieving world is very close.
It will be presented by Me when the New Jerusalem descends upon the earth at the ringing of My Second Coming.
You, My daughter, will be told to announce this just before I make myself known.
Only those who accept Me as the Messiah will be able to enter its magnificent gates.
Every call from Heaven will be made to reach out to all those who will still reject My great gift right up to the very last trumpet.
Then it will be too late for those poor souls. They will be beyond help after that as My Mercy will have been thrown back in My Face in outright rejection.
All that matters now is to warn all those who are in danger of losing their souls to Satan.
Gather them up My followers. Coax them gently into My flock. Never give up your prayers to salvage them.
Oh My beloved followers if you could see the New Paradise when Heaven and Earth will merge as one you would drop down on your knees and weep with joy and relief.
For those of you frightened about the end times, when the earth as you know it will change, then you must allow Me to ease your worries.
You will take your family with you and all with rejoice in pure utter love and harmony.
You will be made of a pure body, incorruptible, free from disease, physical death and ageing.
You all will have your own dwelling with grass, trees, mountains, rivers, streams and flowers surrounding you in all their glorious beauty.
Animals will be tame and live in peace and in harmony with all of God’s children.
You see your children marry, have children  and the miracle of families, risen from the dead, will be witnessed by all.
This resurrection will be like no other joy imaginable.
You will be reunited with your loves ones who passed away in this life and went to Heaven.
You will have nations, twelve in total, all signified by the twelve stars in the crown on my My Mother’s Immaculate head, all of which will be governed by Me with My Apostles and Prophets.
This is My Kingdom, promised by My Father since He created Paradise on Earth. Anyone who rejects it will perish.
Pray that all of God’s children will have the purity of soul to enable them to come home to My Father’s Kingdom on Earth, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end, for ever and ever.
Your Jesus

I know My own and they know Me

My dearly beloved daughter you must never forget the enormity of this mission.
Many times you will be drawn into traps laid down by the deceiver to trip you up.
Ruthless, he and all those who are easily led by him will do all they can to discredit My Word given to you.
You must rise and ignore such taunts.
As you have surrendered your free will, all that matters now is your total obedience to Me.
Allow Me, in My Divine Wisdom, to lay out before you My perfect pathway to Paradise on Earth.
My followers must heed My warning also. You will come under fierce attack, each and every one of you, for proclaiming My Word.
This is a mission like no other.
You, My army, will lead the flock of My Remnant Church to the gates of Paradise.
This will cause you much personal persecution and it will not be an easy journey.
You must unite together and give each other strength for in numbers you will find comfort in each other.
In all corners of the earth My army gathers now.
All seers who are communicated with the Divine Truth, through My Mother, will ignite the flame of the Holy Spirit along with My prophets so that the remnant army is adequately prepared for the battle ahead.
Never doubt My Love. Remember that only those who follow Me can enter the New Paradise.
When those who come to you and torment you, remember your duty is to forgive them and then pray for their souls.
Show love to those who torment you in My Name. This way you can defeat Satan and he loses his power over you.
I will instruct you every step of your journey.
I walk with you always.
I know My own and they know Me.
Your Jesus

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The pain of rejection you feel is My pain.

No prophet has been given messages by My Beloved Mother and the Holy Trinity in such abundance.

My dearly beloved daughter you must not allow the cruel rejection of My Holy messages by those followers of mine whom you know are especially devoted to My Holy Will to distract you.
Expect this kind of rejection to increase in intensity as My Word will be torn into shreds and discarded as if it is nothing.
The pain of rejection you feel is My pain. The humiliation and ridicule inflicted upon you is My persecution. Instead of allowing such disapproval to hurt you, you must accept it in silence.
Be joyful amidst your tears for you know by now that I have always been rejected even by My own disciples.
If you are to allow rejection of My Word to delay you in spreading My messages then fewer souls will be saved.

Always remember that My greatest desire is to save souls.

My mission must not be sullied by human opinion designed to undermine you.

The words I give you this evening are not to provide comfort but to emphasise the urgency of My warnings to the world.
Many of God’s messengers have come before you, My daughter, to prepare humanity for My Second Coming.
No prophet has been given messages by My Beloved Mother and the Holy Trinity in such abundance.
Only these messages can reveal the secrets of times to come and offer the blessings needed by all of God’s children up to the last day.
Grasp the gift of My Word given to all of humanity to give you life.
Without My help you would find it very difficult to withstand the trials which lie ahead.
All My true messengers are preparing God’s children for the Second Coming.

Know that this will take place during the lifetime of this generation.

Take My Cup, drink from it, let it fill you with the gift of discernment so you can help Me save souls.
Your Jesus

The Skies will be peeled back as if a roof has opened

  My dearly beloved daughter My Word is being heard by millions throughout the world as I prepare all of God’s children for My Divine Mercy.
There are those blessed with the Holy Spirit will know instantly, upon reading My Messages, that they come from  My Divine Lips.
Those who say they know Me but who fail to recognise Me still cannot resist reading My Word, although they fight against Me.
They reject Me, yet they are still drawn to My Messages.
Don’t they realise that this is the Holy Spirit, which although dormant in their souls, still draws them to Me?
I say this to them. The time has come for soon your grievances will be shown to you during The Warning.
Your hatred of My Word will be revealed to you and then you will know the Truth.
When that happens you must then join your brothers and sisters and fight for the right to defend My Church on earth.
The skies will be peeled back as if a roof has opened to reveal the fires and the flames of My Divine Mercy.
The earth will be shaken with such force that no man will escape My Eyes, My Spirit or My Gift,
Many will tremble with fear because it will only be then that many will become aware of their souls for the very first time.
They will know that their love of their bodies all the senses they seek to nurture is meaningless.
They will see every part of the soul but won’t be through their own eyes in which they will see it. They will look at their souls through My Eyes.
They will feel ill and nauseous as I do when I see the ugliness of their wretched wrongdoings.
They will see how rotten their behaviour was towards others and the evil they did onto their fellow human beings, their brothers and sisters.
Then they will see their love of self, the vanity and love of false idols and will know how this offends Me.
For those whose sins are so black they will feel ill, in pain and will not be able to stand the horror what they have to see. They will need every strength to withstand the purification needed to enable them to survive and follow the path of the Truth.
It is important to understand that The Warning is just that. I come to warn God’s children that their sins can and will be forgiven.
I come to show them what the Day of Judgement will be like. This will mean that those who ask for redemption at this stage will be saved.
Those who still reject Me will be given time to repent but not much. If they still forfeit My Hand of Mercy then I will have to withdraw.
Then I will divide the just into one side and the unjust into another. One more chance then to seek redemption and those who refuse My Hand of Love and Mercy will be cast into Hell.
This prophecy has been foretold since the beginning.
Heed The Warning and save your souls while you can.
Your Jesus

The Warning, while not to be feared, will cause pain in those not in a state of grace

I, your beloved Jesus wish you, My dearly beloved daughter, to ask all of My followers to heed My Instructions.
Look to each member of your own family, those among your midst, who do not follow My Teachings.
Look amongst you for those souls lost to Me, who outwardly reject Me. Then I ask that you pray hard for them at this time.
You must beg for Mercy for their souls. Your prayers and sacrifices can save them from a terrible suffering during the Purification at The Warning.
The Warning, while not to be feared and must be welcomed as My special Gift, will cause pain in those who are not in a state of grace.
Prepare your souls beforehand for healthy souls will find The Warning a Joyous Event.
They will not suffer because they will be in a state of grace, especially if they receive the Sacrament of Confession regularly.
Their strength will help those who must go through the pain of Purgatory after The Warning.
Help those who will not listen through the daily recital of My Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Offer a sacrifice, to Me your Jesus, in reparation for the sins of your families.
I will show Mercy to everyone who accepts the black state of their souls, when they are shown their sins during The Warning.
Only those with genuine humility and a pure heart will be forgiven.
Those, including children who forsake Me,  are in desperate need of your prayers.
Here is the prayer which you must recite for their conversion during The Warning
Crusade Prayer (60) Prayer for conversion of families during The Warning

O dear Sweet Jesus
I beg for Mercy for the souls of my family
(name them here)
I offer you my sufferings, my trials and my prayers to save
Their souls from the spirit of darkness
Let not one of these, Your children denounce You or
Reject Your Hand of Mercy

Open their hearts to entwine with Your Sacred Heart
So that they can seek the forgiveness necessary to save them
From the fires of Hell
Give them the chance to make amends
So that they can be converted with the Rays of Your Divine Mercy.

Children of God, prepare every day for The Warning for it can happen at any time.

Your Jesus

 When you spread hatred about prophets sent from Heaven you are guilty of a sin which has enormous consequences

My dearly beloved daughter how My heart breaks when I see those who say they are followers of God but who  flaunt His Laws.  They are hypocrites.
It is they who say they follow My Father’s Commandments yet feel they can condemn others who sin.
First to take Sacred Scripture as a means to proclaim a lie, by promoting so called tolerance, they offend Me greatly.
These are the people who say that it is wrong to believe in Divine Providence.
These are the people who question the seers sent by Heaven throughout the centuries and then try to disprove them by the use of My Holy Word laid down in Sacred Scripture.
Any man who denies My Word is disloyal to me.
Any man who sets himself apart from his brothers and sisters as spiritually and intellectually superior needs to very careful.
Any man who uses Sacred Scripture to present a twisted version of the Truth will be punished.
Any man who stands up and proclaims the Truth, yet dismisses My Word given to the world in these, the end times, will be cast aside by Me.
You are guilty of spiritual jealousy and for this you will face punishment.
When you spread hatred about the prophets sent from Heaven you are guilty of a sin which has enormous consequences.
Because by doing so, you not only proclaim a lie, you obstruct the Word of God.
I ask that you stop your campaign of torment and calumny now. You will never prevent My Word from being heard.
Why do you keep trying to torment this Mission? Don’t you know by now that the fire of The Holy Spirit could not have  spread in the way that it has were My Messages not from Heaven?
You are being used by the evil one who will stop at nothing to prevent these, My Holy Messages, from being given to the world.
Message for the Clergy:
For those among you who have pledged a vow, as a sacred servant of My Church on Earth, hear Me now.
When you publicly denounce My Messages and prevent Me, your Jesus, in this mission for saving souls you commit the greatest sin of all.
You will suffer for this and your Purgatory will be experienced on earth. Every man, woman and child will witness your offence against Heaven.
Your flawed assessment of My prophets will render you spiritually empty and your soul will suffer a torment like no other.
If you are a sacred servant of Mine and you are unsure of My Voice as I speak to you now then you must remain silent. You must pray for discernment before you consider rejecting My Holy Word.
Thousands of My sacred servants will fail to recognise My Word, sent through this prophet for the end times. How this breaks My Heart.
Many will fall under the reign of the antichrist and desert My Church on Earth.
Many of My sacred servants will side with the persecutors of My Church. The seduction has already begun.
You are being prepared by the deceiver to reject Me and your pride prevents you from seeing this.
Many of My sacred servants will not be courageous enough to uphold My Church on earth. Many will side with the False Prophet and reject My flock whose faith will enable them to seek the Truth.
Don’t you know that I am the Church?
Don’t you know that the Church will suffer its own crucifixion just as I did?
It will be tormented. It will seem to have been crucified and many will think it will be dead. But, like My Resurrection it will be raised to life again for you see it cannot be destroyed.
I warn all of My sacred servants who do not recognise the times that you are living in to be alert now as My Church on earth suffers the greatest persecution since the beginning.
You must prepare and open your eyes.
When did you think I would come and warn you? Did you think that it would be some time way into the future? That it would never happen in your lifetime?
The time for My Second Coming is very close.
I will soon divide the good from the wicked after every attempt has been made to convert most of humanity.
It is your duty and responsibility to keep an open mind, heart and soul.
I need  you to respond to My pleas to help Me save as many souls as I can.
Follow Me. This is your calling.
This is why you pledged allegiance to Me, your Jesus.
You did not make your vows on your own terms.  
You must allow me to guide you and help defend My Church on earth.
Much damage has been inflicted on My Church. My Church consists of all those who love me including all of my sacred servants.
You must be strong, brave and loyal. You must not allow fear or the beast to devour your soul.
Listen to My Word before you condemn my prophets.
Never denounce any of my messages without praying for discernment. Even then you must be careful that you do not deny God’s children the gift of the graces I now bestow on those poor souls who are starved of the Truth of My Teachings.
To those who openly reject My Word, given to this prophet, know that you will beg me for forgiveness when the Truth is revealed.
By then, for those who are responsible for turning souls away from My Word, it will be too late.
Those souls lost to me, because of your wicked tongue, will have no eternal life.
Reject My Word now, or denounce my message for having errors and you will be cast aside. You are not fit to lead my flock.

Your Saviour
Jesus Christ

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Monday, July 2, 2012


THE ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE predicted by Our Lady in Garabandal in 1961 will take place soon to save the world.


To prove to all that God exists.
To bring everyone back to Jesus and the way of the truth.
To dilute the impact of sin and evil in the world through conversion.
To help save us before the final day of judgement by giving us a chance to ask for forgiveness for the sins we have committed.
To convert non-believers who would have no chance of redemption without this great act of mercy.
To strengthen the faith of believers.

Every one over the age of 7 will experience a private mystical encounter with Jesus Christ which will last anything up to 15 minutes
It is a gift from God the Father to convert people back to the truth. It is how the Final Day of Judgement will unfold only this time you will not be condemned. Instead you will be given a chance to ask for forgiveness.
Two comets will collide in the sky.
People will believe it to be catastrophic worse than an earthquake But it is not – it is a sign that Jesus has come.
The sky will turn red it will look like a fire & then you will see a large cross in the sky to prepare you first.
Atheists will say it was a global illusion. Scientists will look for a logical explanation but there won't be one.
It will be spectacular and will not hurt us because it comes as an act of Love and Mercy from Jesus.
Our sins will be shown to us and this will make us feel tremendous sorrow and shame when they are revealed to us. Others will be so sickened and shocked by the way in which their sins will be revealed that they will drop dead before they have a chance to ask for forgiveness.
Everyone will see the state of their soul before God – the good they have done in their lives, the grief they have inflicted on others and all that which they failed to do.
Many people will fall down and cry tears of relief. Tears of joy and happiness. Tears of wonder and love. For, at last, it will be possible to live a new life thereafter when we know the full truth.
Jesus is now asking everyone to pray for those souls who will die of shock who may be in mortal sin. Everyone needs to prepare now.
Jesus asks that all ask for the forgiveness of their sins in advance of The Warning.

God the Father: Rise now and accept My Seal, the Seal of the Living God

My beloved daughter My heart heaves in sorrow for the sins of My children.
Like any loving Father their wicked hatred for each other tears My heart in two.
It is like a sword piercing My heart which will not go away.
I am God of the Most High who, because of the free will I have given to all of My children, will have to suffer enduring pain until the New Paradise on earth evolves.
Then you will My children join in unison with My Holy Will.
Until that happens there can be no peace on earth.
Only when the evil one, and those who slavishly follow the lies he promises, are destroyed finally can the world become calm.
My daughter tell My children that I do not relish the thoughts of punishing My children for I love them.
They are mine, my cherished creation. To see how the evil one has corrupted their souls is a constant torment to Me, their beloved Father.
I desire to take all of you loving children who know and understand My love for you, into My beautiful New Paradise on earth.
I promise you that the persecution will be swift and that you will be protected.
For I now bequeath the Seal of My Love and Protection.
With this you will escape the notice of those who will cause hardship in your countries.
My Seal is My promise of Salvation. My power w3ill surge through you with this seal and no harm will come to you.
This is a miracle children, and only those who bow before Me, their Lord and Creator of all things, as little children with love in their hearts for Me, can be blessed with this divine gift.
Rise now and accept My Seal, the Seal of the Living God.

Recite this Crusade Prayer (33) to acknowledge My Seal and accept it with love, joy and gratitude.

O My God, My loving Father
I accept with love and gratitude
Your Divine Seal of Protection
Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity
I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer you my deep love and loyalty
To you my Beloved Father
I beg you to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal
And I pledge my life to your service forever and ever
I love you Dear Father
I console you in these times Dear Father
I offer you the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of your dearly beloved Son
In atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all your children.

Go, My children and do not fear. Trust in me, your beloved Father who lovingly created each of you.
I know every single soul, every part of you is known to Me. Not one of you is loved less than the other.
Because of this I do not want to lose one soul. Not one.
Please continue to pray My Divine Mercy chaplet every day.
One day, you will understand why this purification is needed.
Your loving Father in Heaven
God of the Most High

During The Warning, those who redeemed themselves in My Eyes will not suffer pain of Purgatory.                                                                        
When the time comes My dearly beloved daughter for The Warning, a number of signs will be revealed.I tell you this to remind all God’s children that they must prepare themselves beforehand.
The two stars will collide and many will be fearful.
There is nothing to fear because this is the greatest gift I bring so that not one soul is lost to the fires of Hell.
Then, My Cross, will appear in the skies and not one person will fail to notice.
Many will fall down in fear and a great shaking, like an earthquake, will be felt. Then will come the silence.
Always prepare for this day as if it were tomorrow. Seek redemption now and reveal to Me your sins.
Catholic must go to Confession.
For those who are not Catholics they must recite the Crusade Prayer (24) I give to the rest of the world for My Plenary Indulgence.

O My Jesus you are the light of the earth
You are the flame that touches all souls
Your mercy and love knows no bounds
We are not worthy of the sacrifice you made by your death on the cross
Yet we know that your love for us is greater than the love we hold for you
Grant us O Lord the gift of humility so that we are deserving of your New Kingdom
Fill us with the Holy Spirit so we can march forth and lead your army
to proclaim the truth of your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters
For the Glory of Your Second Coming on earth
We honour You
We Praise You
We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to you to save souls
We love you Jesus
Have Mercy on all your children wherever they may be.

This gift of My Plenary Indulgence is for all of God’s children of every creed and offers a great cleansing. Do not reject this Gift. Accept it. For Catholics who question My Gift and who have begrudgingly criticised My Gift I say this.Do you believe that I would not bestow this Sacrament on all of God’s children? You must be generous of heart and happy that I do this. Do you think that they should not be given such a Gift? If you do then you don’t truly love Me. Bow your heads and praise God for this wonderful Gift given to mankind to save their souls. Then, during The Warning, all those who have redeemed themselves in My Eyes will not suffer the pain of Purgatory. Those who see their sins unveiled before them, as seen through My Eyes, will be shocked. Many will find it difficult to accept how blackened their souls are. Those who do and show remorse will ask Me to pardon them. And I will. But some will not be sorry and will defend, in their heart, the atrocities they committed as they appear before My Eyes. They won’t repent and will slap Me in the face. Either way the fires of the purification and suffering will be felt by all sinners. The length of time will depend on the gravity of their sins.
Those who pull away from Me need your prayers. They will be given more time to turn back to Me and ask Me to forgive them. But that time could be as short as a day or as long as a few years. No one but My Father knows the date of My Second Coming. The time between the two events will not be as long as you may think. Finally, My children will realise the time they are living in and accept the Truth. For those who know the truth now and who believe in Me you have a duty to pray for the souls who will not accept My Mercy. My daughter, My greatest desire is to save the entire world, including those who are lost to Me. All the prayers of My followers, who unite as one voice, can help Me to do this. Go in Love. Trust in Me always for the time is short and the plans for the salvation of humanity rests in the hands of My Eternal Father.
Your Beloved Jesus

Sunday, June 10th, 2012 @ 03:30 pm

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 My dearly beloved daughter I call on all My followers to show courage at this time.
This is not the time to fall down and weep. It is the time to fight for your salvation.
I call on all Christian Churches, My clergy and all those who have devoted their lives to Me, their Jesus, to hear My pleas. Never forsake the truth of My teachings. Never forsake Me. Never forsake My Church. For I am the Church. Never forsake My Body, for I am the Bread of life. Never accept the lies, soon to be implanted among you, to displace My Church on earth. It is time to prepare.

Soon you will be made to swallow a new religion which will be manmade. Soon  you will be force fed what will seem like the Holy Eucharist but it will not be My Body. It will become empty, barren and will yield no real life. The only Holy Eucharist that exists is the way in which My Presence is made known in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as it is now.

Never deviate from this even if you are forced to do so by the heathen who will take over My Christian Churches. They will desecrate My Churches and turn them into nothing more than places of entertainment and social outlets. You must always follow the steps I taught My Apostles at the Last Supper. Now you must ensure that all is in place before the attack begins. For soon you will find it impossible to follow a false doctrine imposed on you by the abomination that lies ahead.

The False Prophet will not only take over the Catholic Church he will dictate over all Christian Churches which he will merge as one. But it will not be I, Jesus Christ that the New Temple will be built upon. It will be a temple, to replace the Holy See, to honour the beast. Heed now My words for you will soon see the Truth. To those brave enough to stand up to this persecution of your faith you must plan now. To those who do not have the strength to fight the reign of the antichrist and the false prophet drop down on your knees now and beg Me to help you. I will guide you through My new leaders who will spring up among you led by My Two Witnesses.  Enoch and Elijah, present in My Christian Churches on earth and the House of Israel, will influence the preaching’s of the Gospels all over the world soon.

Nothing will stop the teaching of the Truth. This time will be difficult but rise and follow My Army on earth and more souls will be saved. Do not forsake the flock that I have given over to you to lead.
Fear not because only by following My Path to Eternal Life can you be saved. Follow the path of the False Prophet and not only will you become lost to Me but you will lead innocent souls towards the pathway to Hell. Be brave My sacred servants. Accept that the time for My return is imminent. You do not have time to waste.
Your Jesus

Jesus reveals Plenary Indulgence for total absolution

This message was given to Maria Divine Mercy after one and a half hours during the Eucharist Adoration
My dearly beloved daughter how I rejoice at the love shown to Me by My precious followers whose love is so closely entwined with My Sacred Heart.
I delight in My loyal children whose love for Me brings Me such joy amidst My pain.
They are the light that bring Me the strength needed to lead My army.
These, My chosen children, believe that it has been their faith alone that has brought them to Me.
What they do not realise is that My Holy Spirit descended upon them, especially on those with open hearts, so that they could join My remnant Church on earth.

They, My beloved followers, who show obedience, determination of will and pure love in their souls will be the foundation upon which I will now rebuild My church on earth.
My army, through their love for Me, will be given very special graces now.
I grant them this Plenary Indulgence to enable them carry My torch of fire so that they can spread conversion.

This gift from me will enable them to spread the truth of My Holy Word so that it will touch hearts everywhere they go.
They must say this prayer for seven consecutive days and they will be given the gift of total absolution and the power of the Holy Spirit.
O My Jesus you are the light of the earth
You are the flame that touches all souls
Your mercy and love knows no bounds
We are not worthy of the sacrifice you made by your death on the cross
Yet we know that your love for us is greater than the love we hold for you
Grant us O Lord the gift of humility so that we are deserving of your New Kingdom
Fill us with the Holy Spirit so we can march forth and lead your army
to proclaim the truth of your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters
For the Glory of Your Second Coming on earth
We honour You
We Praise You
We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to you to save souls
We love you Jesus
Have Mercy on all your children wherever they may be.

Go forth in peace My beloved followers and remember that your love for Me enkindles My heart and brings great joy to My Eternal Father, My Blessed Mother, the angels and all the saints in Heaven.
I love you all. I await the moment when I will embrace each and every one of you in My arms so that you will find the peace, love and joy that you have been awaiting for all your lives on earth.
Your Beloved Jesus Christ

The Warning is a form of global confession

My dearly beloved daughter  write this. You are now undergoing intense suffering in order to save those souls of darkness who reject Me and My Father.
So closed and hardened are those souls that it will be only be through the prayers of others and the suffering of victim souls that they can be saved. For they will refuse to seek redemption. Their stubbornness will stop them from feeling enough remorse to confess their sins and beg for forgiveness.
The Warning is a form of global confession. It will be the time when everyone will be expected to ask for the forgiveness of their sins or face rejection.  So many souls in darkness will refuse My hand of Mercy. They will turn away from Me. You, My daughter, along with all My devout followers can help save their souls from eternal damnation.
I would never pressurise My children to suffer in My name. But for those who offer Me, as a gift, their help through suffering I can redeem much of mankind.
Suffering comes about from the attacks of Satan when he torments souls who are close to Me and those who are appointed by Me to lead a holy mission to convert souls. Know that when these attacks come you are in union with Me. You will then get to know Me so well. You will know how I feel – my joy, my sadness, my grief, my pain and the terror when I lose a soul to Satan.
Do not worry. Already millions of souls have already been saved through these messages.
The prayers of My devoted army are already mitigating global disasters and the departure of My Holy Vicar from the Vatican. Their obedience in reciting My Divine Mercy chaplet is saving souls right now.
My daughter  make sure that all My children understand that I speak to all religions and denominations through these messages. I exclude no one. For they are all children of God. There is only one God and that is My Eternal Father, God of the Most High.
Come together with Me children and let us work as one to save My souls all over the world quickly. By prayer alone you can help Me save the world.
Your Jesus
Saviour of all Mankind

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