Monday, July 2, 2012


THE ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE predicted by Our Lady in Garabandal in 1961 will take place soon to save the world.


To prove to all that God exists.
To bring everyone back to Jesus and the way of the truth.
To dilute the impact of sin and evil in the world through conversion.
To help save us before the final day of judgement by giving us a chance to ask for forgiveness for the sins we have committed.
To convert non-believers who would have no chance of redemption without this great act of mercy.
To strengthen the faith of believers.

Every one over the age of 7 will experience a private mystical encounter with Jesus Christ which will last anything up to 15 minutes
It is a gift from God the Father to convert people back to the truth. It is how the Final Day of Judgement will unfold only this time you will not be condemned. Instead you will be given a chance to ask for forgiveness.
Two comets will collide in the sky.
People will believe it to be catastrophic worse than an earthquake But it is not – it is a sign that Jesus has come.
The sky will turn red it will look like a fire & then you will see a large cross in the sky to prepare you first.
Atheists will say it was a global illusion. Scientists will look for a logical explanation but there won't be one.
It will be spectacular and will not hurt us because it comes as an act of Love and Mercy from Jesus.
Our sins will be shown to us and this will make us feel tremendous sorrow and shame when they are revealed to us. Others will be so sickened and shocked by the way in which their sins will be revealed that they will drop dead before they have a chance to ask for forgiveness.
Everyone will see the state of their soul before God – the good they have done in their lives, the grief they have inflicted on others and all that which they failed to do.
Many people will fall down and cry tears of relief. Tears of joy and happiness. Tears of wonder and love. For, at last, it will be possible to live a new life thereafter when we know the full truth.
Jesus is now asking everyone to pray for those souls who will die of shock who may be in mortal sin. Everyone needs to prepare now.
Jesus asks that all ask for the forgiveness of their sins in advance of The Warning.

God the Father: Rise now and accept My Seal, the Seal of the Living God

My beloved daughter My heart heaves in sorrow for the sins of My children.
Like any loving Father their wicked hatred for each other tears My heart in two.
It is like a sword piercing My heart which will not go away.
I am God of the Most High who, because of the free will I have given to all of My children, will have to suffer enduring pain until the New Paradise on earth evolves.
Then you will My children join in unison with My Holy Will.
Until that happens there can be no peace on earth.
Only when the evil one, and those who slavishly follow the lies he promises, are destroyed finally can the world become calm.
My daughter tell My children that I do not relish the thoughts of punishing My children for I love them.
They are mine, my cherished creation. To see how the evil one has corrupted their souls is a constant torment to Me, their beloved Father.
I desire to take all of you loving children who know and understand My love for you, into My beautiful New Paradise on earth.
I promise you that the persecution will be swift and that you will be protected.
For I now bequeath the Seal of My Love and Protection.
With this you will escape the notice of those who will cause hardship in your countries.
My Seal is My promise of Salvation. My power w3ill surge through you with this seal and no harm will come to you.
This is a miracle children, and only those who bow before Me, their Lord and Creator of all things, as little children with love in their hearts for Me, can be blessed with this divine gift.
Rise now and accept My Seal, the Seal of the Living God.

Recite this Crusade Prayer (33) to acknowledge My Seal and accept it with love, joy and gratitude.

O My God, My loving Father
I accept with love and gratitude
Your Divine Seal of Protection
Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity
I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer you my deep love and loyalty
To you my Beloved Father
I beg you to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal
And I pledge my life to your service forever and ever
I love you Dear Father
I console you in these times Dear Father
I offer you the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of your dearly beloved Son
In atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all your children.

Go, My children and do not fear. Trust in me, your beloved Father who lovingly created each of you.
I know every single soul, every part of you is known to Me. Not one of you is loved less than the other.
Because of this I do not want to lose one soul. Not one.
Please continue to pray My Divine Mercy chaplet every day.
One day, you will understand why this purification is needed.
Your loving Father in Heaven
God of the Most High

During The Warning, those who redeemed themselves in My Eyes will not suffer pain of Purgatory.                                                                        
When the time comes My dearly beloved daughter for The Warning, a number of signs will be revealed.I tell you this to remind all God’s children that they must prepare themselves beforehand.
The two stars will collide and many will be fearful.
There is nothing to fear because this is the greatest gift I bring so that not one soul is lost to the fires of Hell.
Then, My Cross, will appear in the skies and not one person will fail to notice.
Many will fall down in fear and a great shaking, like an earthquake, will be felt. Then will come the silence.
Always prepare for this day as if it were tomorrow. Seek redemption now and reveal to Me your sins.
Catholic must go to Confession.
For those who are not Catholics they must recite the Crusade Prayer (24) I give to the rest of the world for My Plenary Indulgence.

O My Jesus you are the light of the earth
You are the flame that touches all souls
Your mercy and love knows no bounds
We are not worthy of the sacrifice you made by your death on the cross
Yet we know that your love for us is greater than the love we hold for you
Grant us O Lord the gift of humility so that we are deserving of your New Kingdom
Fill us with the Holy Spirit so we can march forth and lead your army
to proclaim the truth of your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters
For the Glory of Your Second Coming on earth
We honour You
We Praise You
We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to you to save souls
We love you Jesus
Have Mercy on all your children wherever they may be.

This gift of My Plenary Indulgence is for all of God’s children of every creed and offers a great cleansing. Do not reject this Gift. Accept it. For Catholics who question My Gift and who have begrudgingly criticised My Gift I say this.Do you believe that I would not bestow this Sacrament on all of God’s children? You must be generous of heart and happy that I do this. Do you think that they should not be given such a Gift? If you do then you don’t truly love Me. Bow your heads and praise God for this wonderful Gift given to mankind to save their souls. Then, during The Warning, all those who have redeemed themselves in My Eyes will not suffer the pain of Purgatory. Those who see their sins unveiled before them, as seen through My Eyes, will be shocked. Many will find it difficult to accept how blackened their souls are. Those who do and show remorse will ask Me to pardon them. And I will. But some will not be sorry and will defend, in their heart, the atrocities they committed as they appear before My Eyes. They won’t repent and will slap Me in the face. Either way the fires of the purification and suffering will be felt by all sinners. The length of time will depend on the gravity of their sins.
Those who pull away from Me need your prayers. They will be given more time to turn back to Me and ask Me to forgive them. But that time could be as short as a day or as long as a few years. No one but My Father knows the date of My Second Coming. The time between the two events will not be as long as you may think. Finally, My children will realise the time they are living in and accept the Truth. For those who know the truth now and who believe in Me you have a duty to pray for the souls who will not accept My Mercy. My daughter, My greatest desire is to save the entire world, including those who are lost to Me. All the prayers of My followers, who unite as one voice, can help Me to do this. Go in Love. Trust in Me always for the time is short and the plans for the salvation of humanity rests in the hands of My Eternal Father.
Your Beloved Jesus

Sunday, June 10th, 2012 @ 03:30 pm

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 My dearly beloved daughter I call on all My followers to show courage at this time.
This is not the time to fall down and weep. It is the time to fight for your salvation.
I call on all Christian Churches, My clergy and all those who have devoted their lives to Me, their Jesus, to hear My pleas. Never forsake the truth of My teachings. Never forsake Me. Never forsake My Church. For I am the Church. Never forsake My Body, for I am the Bread of life. Never accept the lies, soon to be implanted among you, to displace My Church on earth. It is time to prepare.

Soon you will be made to swallow a new religion which will be manmade. Soon  you will be force fed what will seem like the Holy Eucharist but it will not be My Body. It will become empty, barren and will yield no real life. The only Holy Eucharist that exists is the way in which My Presence is made known in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as it is now.

Never deviate from this even if you are forced to do so by the heathen who will take over My Christian Churches. They will desecrate My Churches and turn them into nothing more than places of entertainment and social outlets. You must always follow the steps I taught My Apostles at the Last Supper. Now you must ensure that all is in place before the attack begins. For soon you will find it impossible to follow a false doctrine imposed on you by the abomination that lies ahead.

The False Prophet will not only take over the Catholic Church he will dictate over all Christian Churches which he will merge as one. But it will not be I, Jesus Christ that the New Temple will be built upon. It will be a temple, to replace the Holy See, to honour the beast. Heed now My words for you will soon see the Truth. To those brave enough to stand up to this persecution of your faith you must plan now. To those who do not have the strength to fight the reign of the antichrist and the false prophet drop down on your knees now and beg Me to help you. I will guide you through My new leaders who will spring up among you led by My Two Witnesses.  Enoch and Elijah, present in My Christian Churches on earth and the House of Israel, will influence the preaching’s of the Gospels all over the world soon.

Nothing will stop the teaching of the Truth. This time will be difficult but rise and follow My Army on earth and more souls will be saved. Do not forsake the flock that I have given over to you to lead.
Fear not because only by following My Path to Eternal Life can you be saved. Follow the path of the False Prophet and not only will you become lost to Me but you will lead innocent souls towards the pathway to Hell. Be brave My sacred servants. Accept that the time for My return is imminent. You do not have time to waste.
Your Jesus

Jesus reveals Plenary Indulgence for total absolution

This message was given to Maria Divine Mercy after one and a half hours during the Eucharist Adoration
My dearly beloved daughter how I rejoice at the love shown to Me by My precious followers whose love is so closely entwined with My Sacred Heart.
I delight in My loyal children whose love for Me brings Me such joy amidst My pain.
They are the light that bring Me the strength needed to lead My army.
These, My chosen children, believe that it has been their faith alone that has brought them to Me.
What they do not realise is that My Holy Spirit descended upon them, especially on those with open hearts, so that they could join My remnant Church on earth.

They, My beloved followers, who show obedience, determination of will and pure love in their souls will be the foundation upon which I will now rebuild My church on earth.
My army, through their love for Me, will be given very special graces now.
I grant them this Plenary Indulgence to enable them carry My torch of fire so that they can spread conversion.

This gift from me will enable them to spread the truth of My Holy Word so that it will touch hearts everywhere they go.
They must say this prayer for seven consecutive days and they will be given the gift of total absolution and the power of the Holy Spirit.
O My Jesus you are the light of the earth
You are the flame that touches all souls
Your mercy and love knows no bounds
We are not worthy of the sacrifice you made by your death on the cross
Yet we know that your love for us is greater than the love we hold for you
Grant us O Lord the gift of humility so that we are deserving of your New Kingdom
Fill us with the Holy Spirit so we can march forth and lead your army
to proclaim the truth of your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters
For the Glory of Your Second Coming on earth
We honour You
We Praise You
We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to you to save souls
We love you Jesus
Have Mercy on all your children wherever they may be.

Go forth in peace My beloved followers and remember that your love for Me enkindles My heart and brings great joy to My Eternal Father, My Blessed Mother, the angels and all the saints in Heaven.
I love you all. I await the moment when I will embrace each and every one of you in My arms so that you will find the peace, love and joy that you have been awaiting for all your lives on earth.
Your Beloved Jesus Christ

The Warning is a form of global confession

My dearly beloved daughter  write this. You are now undergoing intense suffering in order to save those souls of darkness who reject Me and My Father.
So closed and hardened are those souls that it will be only be through the prayers of others and the suffering of victim souls that they can be saved. For they will refuse to seek redemption. Their stubbornness will stop them from feeling enough remorse to confess their sins and beg for forgiveness.
The Warning is a form of global confession. It will be the time when everyone will be expected to ask for the forgiveness of their sins or face rejection.  So many souls in darkness will refuse My hand of Mercy. They will turn away from Me. You, My daughter, along with all My devout followers can help save their souls from eternal damnation.
I would never pressurise My children to suffer in My name. But for those who offer Me, as a gift, their help through suffering I can redeem much of mankind.
Suffering comes about from the attacks of Satan when he torments souls who are close to Me and those who are appointed by Me to lead a holy mission to convert souls. Know that when these attacks come you are in union with Me. You will then get to know Me so well. You will know how I feel – my joy, my sadness, my grief, my pain and the terror when I lose a soul to Satan.
Do not worry. Already millions of souls have already been saved through these messages.
The prayers of My devoted army are already mitigating global disasters and the departure of My Holy Vicar from the Vatican. Their obedience in reciting My Divine Mercy chaplet is saving souls right now.
My daughter  make sure that all My children understand that I speak to all religions and denominations through these messages. I exclude no one. For they are all children of God. There is only one God and that is My Eternal Father, God of the Most High.
Come together with Me children and let us work as one to save My souls all over the world quickly. By prayer alone you can help Me save the world.
Your Jesus
Saviour of all Mankind

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