Monday, October 31, 2011


Purgatory Prayers Help 10,000 souls!

Purgatory in the Bible

Christians believed in purgatory before they believed in the Bible. As we don’t see the word ‘Bible’ in an authentic bible translation, we don’t see the word ‘purgatory’ in the bible. But the bible supports its existence.

Purgatory is not a place, but a state of being that we started in baptism and perfected after our death. It is our full transformation in Christ (Rom13:14) and perfection in our holiness (1Pet 1:16).

As we all know, we are not holy enough to go to heaven directly. Even saints may not think, they are holy enough to be with God. Unholy things will never enter in to heaven, as it is a place of Holy of Holies. But God demands this holiness from us to be with him: “Be holy, for I the Lord your god is holy” (Lv 19:2).But we are not totally sinners to go directly to hell – the eternal punishment. Even so-called sinners may have done many good things in their life, which are to be rewarded.” Jesus said, “If you give a cup of water in my name you will be rewarded.” Our good deeds will not be punished in hell and our evil doings will never enter into heaven. So god’s justice and his mercy demand a state of purification that we become worthy to be with our heavenly father.

Why we Pray for the Dead?
Jesus Himself prayed for the dead and showed the world; prayer can work even after death. If praying for the dead is useless, why Jesus himself prayed for the dead Lazarus, four days after his death? (Jn 11:41) Prayer is powerful that death itself, so Lazarus was resurrected. When our relatives die it is our duty to pray for them. We shared their goodness in this life; just life that we shared their sins also. The society with whom the dead lived, are also responsible and accountable for their sins. We also must ask God pardon for their sins St. Paul prayed for Onesiphorus who is already dead that he might find mercy from God in that Day of Judgment (11 Tim 1:16-18).
                         Fr.Paul Kaiparambadan                             
                         Know the truth Publication -Malabon Phil.


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